
We got married!

Because of the upcoming “big plans” we only spent a few days after the wedding in Brechtesgarden.

The lake is beautiful, certainly something worth seeing, despite the big masses of tourists. But if you take a few steps and get a bit higher in the mountains, you can be quite alone.

We did an easy trek through the Rinnkendlsteig

St bartomä

On our way to St. Bartholomä

We parked at the big parking place next to the harbour. And went seaborne. We only took the ship to St. Bartholomä. It was full with tourists making selfies…but taking a few steps we left the selfietourists and finally we could enjoy the beauty of this land.


Happiness next to the Königsee 🙂

The Rinnkendlsteig is a nice trek, sometimes a bit windy and secured with cables on the difficult parts.

rinnkendlsteig königsee

Nice view at Königsee


The stairs

After gaining 800 meters of altitude we reach a nice plateau with a great view. Here we had a small lunch at the Kührointhütte, and made plans to climb next time up to the Watzmann.


Looking at the Watzmann

From here we followed the trail back to the parking area.